Web Site http://www.hp.com/go/dj1220 links to the HP web site
for latest printer software, product, operating system,
and support information.
Note: If the suggestions in these resources do not help you solve your printing
problems, see page 27 for a list of resources available to you for the support and
maintenance of your printer. You can also go to http://www.hp.com/cposupport
for online technical support, which includes searchable technical notes
databases. Or, ask for assistance from the HP Customer Care Center.
System Requirements
Check that your computer meets the following requirements:
Windows 95/98 Pentium
60MHz processor, 16MB RAM, at
least 50MB of free hard disk space.
Windows 3.1x 486DX processor, 66MHz, 8MB RAM, at
least 50MB of free hard disk space.
Windows NT 4.0
60MHz processor, 24MB RAM, at
least 50MB of free hard disk space.
Macintosh Systems MAC: OS 8.1 and later, USB-connect
Macintosh only;
OS 7.6.1 and later, Network Macintosh only.
DOS DOS 3.3 or later, 486DX processor, 66MHz,
Note: Graphics intensive documents may require more than 50MB of free hard
disk space.