To remove a CFP2 transceiver module:
1. Remove the optical fiber from the CFP2 transceiver module and pull down the metal
handle to the horizontal position.
2. Hold the handle to horizontally pull the module slowly out of the slot.
Do not use excessive force to avoid damaging the handle.
Verifying the installation
Execute the display transceiver interface command on the device to verify that the CFP2
transceiver module is correctly installed.
• If the transceiver module information is correctly displayed, the installation is correct.
The following command output uses the HundredGigE1/0/1 port as an example:
[H3C] display transceiver interface HundredGigE 1/0/1
HundredGigE1/0/1 transceiver information:
Transceiver Type : 100G_BASE_LR4_CFP2
Connector Type : LC
Wavelength(nm) : 1310
Transfer Distance(km) : 10(SMF)
Digital Diagnostic Monitoring : YES
Vendor Name : H3C
The output varies by the CFP2 module model, device model, and software version.
• If an error message is displayed, the installation is incorrect or the transceiver
module is faulty. Follow the instructions in this guide to re-install the module. If the
problem persists, contact H3C Support.
Technical support
Hangzhou H3C Technologies Co., Ltd. provides customers with comprehensive technical
support and ser vice. If you purchase the products from the sales agent of Hangzhou H3C
Technologies Co., Ltd., please contact our sales agent or technical personnel.
Address: No.466 Changhe Road, Binjiang District,
Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310052, P.R.China
Website: http://www.h3c.com
E-mail: service@h3c.com
BOM: 3105A03C