Article number
Feature Description
bintec R3002; art. no. 5510000211 VPN Gateway; 19 inch rack; incl. ADSL modem (Annex A+B); 1x ISDN BRI; incl. 10 IPSec
tunnels (opt. max. 110), certificates, HW encryption; 4+1 Gigabit Eth. switch; german and
intern. version.
bintec R3002 - UK; art. no.
VPN Gateway; 19 inch rack; incl. ADSL modem (Annex A+B); 1x ISDN BRI; incl. 10 IPSec
tunnels (opt. max. 110), certificates, HW encryption; 4+1 Gigabit Eth. switch; UK version.
Feature Description
VPN-IPSec-25 License for 25 additional activ IPSec tunnels; art. no. 5500000781
X.25 License for X.25 feature set; art. no. 5500000783
Cobion Content Filter Small License for one year Cobion content filter (small); art. no. 80551
MPPC and Stac compression Free-of-charge license for Stac and MPPC compression; registration under
www.funkwerk-ec.com required
IP address ISDN B/D channel license Free of charge license for IP address transmission in ISDN D or B channel for IPSec
connections; registering under www.funkwerk-ec.com required.
Service package 'medium' Warranty extension of 3 years to a total of 5 years, including advanced replacement for FEC
products of the category "medium". (Please find a ) detailed description as well as an overview
of the categories on www.funkwerk-ec.com/servicepackages.
Advanced Replacement Optional (with costs) advanced replacement outside of warranty time
Funkwerk Enterprise Communications GmbH - Suedwestpark 94 - 90449 Nuremberg - Germany
Phone: +49 - (0)911 9673 0
Fax: +49 - (0)911 688 0725
bintec R3002
Subject to technical