All information in this manual is based on
the latest product information available at
the time of publication. Due to improve-
ments or other changes, there may be dis-
crepancies between information in this
manual and your vehicle. Fiat reserves the
right to make production changes at any
time, without notice and without incurring
any obligation to make the same or simi-
lar changes to vehicles previously built or
This vehicle may not comply with stan-
dards or regulations of other countries.
Before attempting to register this vehicle
in any other country, check all applicable
regulations and make any necessary mod-
Please read this manual and follow its in-
structions carefully. To emphasize special
information, the symbol
and the words
have special meanings. These special
meanings apply except when laws or reg-
ulations require that the signal words be
used with a different meaning.
Pay special attention to the messages high-
lighted by these signal words:
This manual should be considered a per-
manent part of the vehicle and should re-
main with the vehicle when resold or oth-
erwise transferred to a new owner or op-
erator. Please read this manual carefully
before operating your new Fiat and review
the manual from time to time. It contains
important information on safety, opera-
tion and maintenance.
Indicates a potential hazard
that could result in death or
IMPORTANT Indicates a potential hazard
that could result in vehicle damage.
NOTE Indicates special information to
make maintenance easier or instructions