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Dyna Jet Wringer for Hand Washers
Simplify hand washing your laundry
This hand wringer clamps to
washtub and features two spring
loaded press rollers to extract most
of the water from your clothes.
Compatible with the James Hand Washer. More durable than
the James Wringer but doesn’t squeeze out as much water. Made
to last many years even in a commercial application.
AA5136 $120
James Hand Washer
To most people, washing clothes by hand sounds
like a ridiculous amount of work. Actually,
with a James Washer, it's not that hard. The
secret is letting the clothes soak in hot soapy
water for a few hours first. Then just a few
minutes of swishing the lever back and forth
does a great job. You can wash a normal-size
load and the sturdy design assures many
years of clean clothes without wasting
electricity. Holds 16 gallons, easy bottom
drain valve, pine legs. The optional
handwringer squeezes out 90% of the water.
Stainless steel.
Washer #AA150 $315
Wringer #AA151 $149
Speed Queen Wringer Washer
115 vac
When Speed Queen stopped making this
popular wringer washer 5 years ago, we had
many disappointed customers. It gets clothes
clean and dry with minimal power use , holds a
full 14 lbs. of clothes, and the double-walled
porcelain tub keeps water warm longer.
Wringer has 8 different positions and instantly
releases with safety bar or emergency release.
Gas powered model uses 2 HP B & S engine
with solid state ignition and operates at just
above idle, reducing wear-and-tear and
eliminating vibration. 115 and 230 vac models
weigh 139 lbs. and use up to 825 watts; gas
powered version weighs 229 lbs.
Standard Model #AA3543 $695
Gasoline-Powered Model #AA3545 $975
Gas Dryers
Save huge amounts of electricity
Electric heating—for clothes, air or water—uses
ridiculous amounts of power. Completely
unrealistic in a renewable energy system, it
doesn’t make sense in a grid-connected house
either. The gas dryers listed here immediately
pay for themselves in solar module savings and
quickly pay for themselves in AC grid-power
savings. 300–400 watts.
1 Time/1 Auto Cycle: 2 Temps #AA660 $434
3 Time/1 Auto Cycle: 4 Temps #AA661 $489
4 Time/3 Auto Cycle: 4 Temps #AA663 $525
Frigidaire Gas Dryer
4 temps 3 time/1 auto cycle
A perfect companion to the Frigidaire Washer (AA5514). Four temperature
selections, 3 timed and 1 auto cycle. Tumbling action reverses for more even
drying and fewer wrinkles. Large opening, reversible door lets you match the
dryer to your laundry room. Stackable with the Frigidaire Washer. Requires
220 vac, 4500 watts. Warranty 2 years.
#AA4656 $575
Free heat from your clothes dryer
An operating clothes dryer produces enough hot
humidified air to keep a 30' x 24' room warm (20,000
BTU’s per hour). Just flip a lever on the Deflect-o and
this heat goes into your house instead of up the vent. Easy to clean screen
stops lint but lets the heat and humidity go through. Easy to install in just a
few minutes. Also good as year-round lint trap where outside venting not
#EP215 $12
Low Suds Detergent
Specially designed for horizontal axis washing
Horizontal, low water use washing machines work on a
different principle than conventional machines and
have special detergent needs. Common detergents
create too many suds, don’t dissolve well, and can damage
machines. This new low-sudsing brand was specially formulated for
horizontal axis washers. It easily dissolves in either cold or hot water and
doesn’t harm stainless steel drums. Fragrance and phosphate free, 100%
biodegradable and super concentrated. 4-pack (3.6 kg) good for up to 160
#AA3348 $7
#AA3357 (4-pack) $28
Accordion Laundry Racks
The average electric clothes dryer
uses $70 of electricity each year—more than the average electric range and
almost as much as the total household’s lighting ($75/year). Why not use the
sun? It’s easier on the clothes, the environment, and your pocketbook! Here
in Colorado, our clothes dry inside in just a few hours. Laundry racks fold up
into a small space, hold a “clothesline” of laundry, and easily move from
space to space—put outside in the sun, bring back in when it rains. All much
stronger and durable than the commonly found versions, our regular dryer
has wire reinforced stress points and the “Heavy Duty” versions attach the
dowels to the frame with screws instead of staples, hardwood frames, and
extra struts for added support. The “Wall Mount” doesn’t take any floor
space and has a strong shelf great for holding detergent and other laundry
Model Dimensions Drying Item # Cost
Regular 53" x 18" x 36" 45' #EP6016 $42
Small Heavy Duty 60" x 19" x 40" 34' #EP6081 $66
Large Heavy Duty 70" x 23" x 48" 40' #EP6082 $79
Wall Mount 34" x 29" 16' #EP6083 $64