Rigging and Sails
1. Storm jib
2. “Light air” sails not needed.
3. Retractable lazy jacks (www.harken.com/mainsail/4060lzjk.pdf)
4. All control lines lead back to helm area.
5. Masthead tri-color light.
6. Masthead strobe light (maybe).
7. Specifications indicate the mast height off the water is 66.5 ft. Can this be reduced without significantly
hurting performance, remember I don’t care about “light air” sailing. Can the sail head then be
“fattened” to minimize reducing “effective sail area”. The southeastern coast of the US will be one of
my sailing areas. Fixed bridges along the Intracoastal Waterway have a maximum height clearance of
65 ft with some as low as 56 ft.
I would think a lower mast height would also mean a lower center of effort which might improve
performance. I will rely on Alwoplast’s recommendations on this matter, although it would be
convenient to have a mast height off the water of less than 60 ft, it is not absolutely necessary.
8. Is a crow’s nest below the first spreader feasible? See Exhibit 14. I believe one would be very handy
when navigating through reefs. I would want a remote dual throttle in the crow’s nest. What are the
advantages and disadvantages? An alternative approach is to just have steps up the mast to at least the
first spreader. At the spreader have handholds and a way to secure a harness. With this approach I
would not want the remote dual throttle.
9. A self tacking jib with roller furling. I am willing to have the forward windows modified slightly to
accommodate this, however I do not want to give up the window space over the head of the beds. Since
I would prefer a shorter mast, radar on the mast, and I may have a crow’s nest is it feasible to:
a. Not use a fractional rig
b. Place the jib traveler at the bottom edge of the windows
c. Cut the jib for maximum effectiveness given the above constraints.
Approximately what will I be giving up in sailing performance in 10 knots to 20 knots winds by having
a self tacking jib instead of Genoa? Is a Genoa even feasible given the radar and crow’s nest on the
10. I will rely on Alwoplast to recommend most equipment taking into consideration my objectives as
summarized in the Background section above.