Ted Gosstyla’s
Specifications/Wish List
The boat will be used to live aboard and cruise the Caribbean and southeastern seaboard of the US. However, I
may also cruise the coasts of South America and some day sail to Australia.
Home port will be around N9 17 W82 06 on Isla Bastimentos off the Caribbean coast of Panama. That area
receives over 100 inches of rain per year and the average temperature and humidity are in the mid to high 80s
year round. Due to the water depth in the area a shallow draft is very important.
I sail primarily for the propulsion efficiency not “the enjoyment of sailing”. When effective VMG to destination
drops below 10 knots I turn on the motors, unless batteries are being charged. When effective VMG drops
below 6 knots motors definitely go on. Therefore, most of my sailing will probably be motor sailing. I am
interested in safety and ease of sail handling in general and therefore interested in a self tacking jib. I am not
interested in “light air” sailing.
I have seriously looked at these boats:
1. Voyage 440 and 500 (www.voyageyachts.com
The 440 doesn’t have sufficient payload capacity for living aboard. The 500 probably has the payload
capacity and space, although it is not efficiently designed for live aboard. I believe I can find a smaller
boat with as much or more payload capacity and useable space.
2. Rainier 470 (www.cmiys.com
I liked this boat a lot, however it has a payload capacity problem.
3. Lagoon 470 (www.cata-lagoon.com
I like this boat’s hulls, galley down owner’s layout, and the fact they now offer the Solomon
Technologies electric motors as an alternative to diesels. I don’t care for the cockpit, believe the escape
hatches are too close to the waterline and doubt they will do all the customizations I would want.
4. Fountaine Pajot Bahia 46 (www.fountaine-pajot.com
Comparable to the Lagoon 470 although I expect it sails better. However, I would require even more
customization to this boat than I would to the Lagoon 470. It also seems overpriced relative to the other