Standard Disclaimer, Updates To This Guide, and In Closing
As stated in the subtitle, this guide is “one ham’s weekend project”. It’s not meant to be all‐definitive,
because the ham population chooses from a diverse set of vehicles and there is a lot of variation in
mobile conditions for operators – for a variety of reasons. Again, safety should not be compromised in
any case, and frankly, each operator must make his or her own choices for mounting, cabling, over‐
current protection, etc. I suppose that this is a soft way of saying that the neither Elecraft nor the
author are responsible for the decisions you make when it comes to any Amateur mobile installation,
even if you follow this guide’s installation to the last detail.
Periodic changes and corrections to this document may be necessary and will be published when
needed. Readers are encouraged to contact the author with any type of feedback. Email:
. I hope this guide to was useful to you. That is my goal.
Revision History and Credits
Date Change Set
0.9 21 JUL 2012 First rough draft, review by Elecraft. Content only.
0.95 23 JUL 2012 Added some photos, electrical schematic.
1.0 28 JUL 2012 First review copy, format cleanups. Worked with Metro Honda
service dept. for airbag deployment and Seasucker safety checks.
1.1 30 JUL 2012 Added battery side and pull‐through pics (cabling).
1.2 2 AUG 2012 Restructured with better formatting for photos;
added explanation of the schematic, coupled with the
under‐hood and trunk photos.
1.3 10 OCT 2012 Re‐wrote antenna mount section, showing the tripod after
Initial testing. Thanks to Roger Wright of Advanced Radio
Workshop for the assistance! Thanks to Don Wilhelm for proofreading.
1.4 18 OCT 2012 Cleaned up formatting for fewer total printed pages. Better yet, don’t
print this Guide unless you need to! If you really
need to print it, and
are able ‐ print on both sides, please.
1.5 28 OCT 2012 Figures 1, 6, 8, and 9 revised to latest changes. Some figure caption
changes to match these. Figures 10 and 11 added, with captions
(ProClip dash mount options). Minor grammatical text edits. Thanks to
ProClip for the images used in Figures 10 and 11.
B1 (1.6) 23 NOV 2012 Updated photos (Figure 1 inserted, and 7, 10, 11 updated). Added text
for ProClip dashboard seam mount. Changed revision markings to
Elecraft‐standard. Added precaution as to power cable quality (thanks
for this reminder).