Clear Storage Click Start to clear all files stored in the RAM Disk or the optional hard drive.
Format HDD
To format the optional hard drive. All fonts, forms and files for Secure Print and Proof Print stored in the optional hard
drive are cleared. The data relating to PostScript isn't cleared. To clear the data relating to Post Script, refer to "
Init PS
Disk". This item is only available when the optional hard drive is installed.
Format HDD Click Start to format the optional hard drive.
Non-Dell Toner
Specifies whether to use the refilled toner cartridge or not. When this setting is on, you can use toner cartridges provided
by other companies.
Overrides factory toner cartridge setting.
Non-Dell-brand toner cartridges may disable some printer features, reduce print quality and reduce the
reliability of your printer. Dell recommends only new Dell-brand toner cartridges for your printer. Dell does not
provide warranty coverage for problems caused by using accessories, parts, or components not supplied by Dell.
Copy Printer Settings
The Copy Printer Settings menu includes the Copy Printer Settings and Copy Printer Settings Report pages.
Copy Printer Settings
To copy the printer settings to one or more of the same model of printer.
To copy the settings to another printer, specify the IP address and password of the printer to which the settings are
copied in the IP Address text box and Password text box. When you leave the Password text box blank, your own
password is submitted. Then, click the Copy the settings to the Host in the above list. button. Copying the settings is
complete. The connection time-out period is 60 seconds. After that, you can check whether settings were copied or not on
this page. And you need to check the Copy the settings to the Host in the above list and reboot the machine.
menu of the Dell Printer Configuration Web Tool in the destination printer to verify if settings were actually copied or
If the settings can be copied but printer configuration is different, the settings of only the same items are copied. Printer
settings are simultaneously copied to printers of up to 10 IP addresses.
Copy Printer Settings Report