Accepted Values:
A or 2 50.8 mm/sec. (2 inches/sec.)
B or 3 76.2 mm/sec. (3 inches/sec.)
C or 4 101.6 mm/sec. (4 inches/sec.)
5 127 mm/sec. (5 inches/sec.)
D or 6 152.4 mm/sec. (6 inches/sec.)
E or 8 203.2 mm/sec. (8 inches/sec.)
9 220.5 mm/sec.(9 inches/sec.)
10 245 mm/sec. (10 inches/sec.)
11 269.5 mm/sec. (11 inches/sec.)
12 304.8 mm/sec. (12 inches/sec.)
Default Value: A
The speed setting for p,s,and b is dependent on the limitations of the printer. If a paricular printer is
limited to 6 inches per second,a value of 12 can be entered, but it will only perform at a 6 ips rate.
Refer to your printer’s user’s guide for specifics on performance.
Applicator Reprint
The ~PR command will be reprinted the last label printed.
Format: ~PR
Pressing the REPEAT button on the front panel will also cause the last label to be reprinted.
Set Dots per Millimeter
Use the ^JM(Set Dots/Millimeter) command to double the format size of the label. Depending on the
print head, normal dots per millimeter on a Printer are
12-dots/mm(300-dots/inch),8-dots/mm(200-dots/inch) .