Ic e a n d Wa t e r
au t o m a t I c Ic e ma k e r
Connect the ice maker to the water supply as instructed in the
installation instructions. Proper water flow and a level refrig-
erator are essential for optimal ice maker performance.
Operating Instructions
• Confirmicebinisinplace
and ice maker arm is down.
• Afterfreezersectionreaches
between 0° to 2°F (-18° to
-17° C), ice maker fills with
water and begins operating.
You will have a complete
harvest of ice approximately
every three hours.
• Allowapproximately24hours
after installation to receive first harvest of ice.
• Discardicecreatedwithinfirst12hoursofoperationtoassure
system is flushed of impurities.
• Stopiceproductionbyraisingicemakerarmuntilclickisheard.
• Icemakerwillremainintheoffpositionuntilarmispushed
• Thefirstoneortwobatcheswillprobablycontainundersized
and irregular cubes because of air in the supply line.
• Whentheicecubesareejecteditisnormalforseveralcubesto
be joined together at the ends. They can easily be broken apart.
The ice maker will continue to make ice until the supply of ice
cubes raises the ice maker arm, shutting the ice maker off.
• Certainsoundsmayaccompanythevariouscyclesoftheice
maker. The motor may have a slight hum, the cubes will rattle
as they fall into an empty storage pan and the water valve may
click or “buzz” occasionally.
• Iftheiceisnotusedfrequently,theicecubeswillbecome
cloudy, shrink, stick together and taste stale. Empty the ice
storage bin periodically and wash it in lukewarm water. Be sure
to dry the bin thoroughly before replacing it.
• Beveragesandfoodsshouldnotbeplacedintheicestorage
causing the ice maker to malfunction.
• Turnoff(armup)theicemakerwhenthewatersupplyistobe
shut off for several hours.
To Remove the Ice Bin:
• Pullitforward,awayfromtheicemaker.Toavoidtheicemaker
dumping ice while the bin is removed, turn the ice maker off by
raising the ice maker arm.
To Install the Ice Bin:
• Reversetheaboveprocedure.Turntheicemakeronby
lowering the ice maker arm.
Water Dispenser
The Water Dispenser is located on the left side wall of the fresh
food section. This design is for cold water dispensing only.
To Dispense Water:
• Holdcontainerunderspoutandpressdispenserpad.