Menu Operation
Font Edge Style: Default/ None/ Raised/ Depressed/ Uniform/ Left Shadow/ Right
Font Edge Color: Default/ Black/ White/ Red/
Green/ Blue/ Yellow/ Magenta/ Cyan
FG Color: Default/ White/ Red/ Green/ Bl
ue/ Yellow/ Magenta/ Cyan
BG Color: Default/ Black/ Red/ Green/ Bl
ue/ Yellow/ Magenta/ Cyan
FG Opacity: Default/ Solid/ Flashing/ Translucent/ Transparent
BG Opacity: Default/ Solid/ Flashing/ Transl
ucent/ Transparent
■ Restore Default: Restore the system settings to the factory default.
■ Setup Wizard: Th
is is a guide to help you to setup the TV.
Configuring the Lock Menu
Press your password (it is 0 0 0 0 at first), Then you will go the sub-menu as following.
If you forget, the super password of 98
98 still valid.
■ Change Password: Yo
u can set your
private password. Press the number
buttons on the remote control to set
the new password. When the new
password has been input twice, the
setting is finished successfully.
■ System Lock: Set the system lock ON
or OFF.
■ In
put Block: Press ▲/▼button to
select input channel, Press◄/►button
to lock or unlock.
■ US: To select the TV/MPAA Rating you want to lock or not.
Age Define
TV-Y General audience
TV-Y7 Parental guidance
TV-G Parents strongly cautioned
TV-PG Retricted
TV-14 No one 17 and under
TV-MA Adult audience only
Content Define
FV Fantasy violence
D Suggestive dialogue
L Strong language
S Sexual situations
V Violence