DDoocc NNoo::
CCooppyyrriigghhtt ©© HHaannmmaarr MMoottoorr CCoorrppoorraattiioonn 22000055 BB--22
210 Popular:
The cloverleaf dining table is stored in the lower galley
cabinet,(see Picture B-P3).Remove table leg from wardrobe,
(see Picture B-P4) and place it in the floor base receptacle
located in front of the lower galley cabinet.Place table top
on top of table leg.
To use the table “leaves”:
1. Pivot the table into the desired position.
2. In the seated position,with one hand on the top
of the table,use the other hand to unfold the
desired leaf to the upright position.
To return the “leaf”to it original position,use the
following steps:
1. Hold the leaf with one hand.
2. With the other hand reach under the table and
carefully press on the center of the downward
facing part of the spring hinge.
3. Fold the leaf back into the stored position.
Caution:Cloverleaf dining table is heavy,lift while
bending knees.
210 Versatile:
The cloverleaf dining table is stored in the wardrobe,(see
Picture B-P4A).Remove table leg from wardrobe,(see
Picture B-P4) and place it in the floor base receptacle
located beside the lounge seats.Place table top on top of
table leg.
Follow steps listed above.
Picture B-P3: Lower galley cabinet showing location
of cloverleaf table,(Popular model).
Picture B-P4:Cloverleaf and dinette table legs are
stored in the wardrobe closet.
Picture B-P4A Cloverleaf,dinette table legs and
clover leaf table are stored in the wardrobe closet.