First Responder Considerations
© 2012 General Motors Company, All Rights Reserved
Approaching a vehicle that is charging
To stop charging a vehicle, first attempt to unplug the charge cord at the vehicle. If access is unavailable, turn
off the power to the charge station or cord set.
A battery on fire will not explode. If battery cells reach high enough temperature, they vent and release
electrolyte. Battery electrolyte is flammable. Use copious amounts of water to cool the battery and extinguish
the fire. Do not use an ABC dry chemical extinguisher because it will not extinguish a battery fire.
The high voltage battery is sealed and isolated from the vehicle chassis. If the vehicle is immersed in water, you
will not be electrocuted by touching the vehicle.
Locate and review the Lithium-Ion Battery Chemistry Material Safety Data Sheet for more information.
April 2013