Dil ID: 10
Dil Adı: spain
Dil Kodu: es1tayfun Productos de la Marca Campomatic
Dünyanın En Büyük
Elektronik Bilgi Kütüphanesi

nor mal for a s mall a mount o f water t o c ome out o f the sal t con tainer.It is
1. The salt contai ner must onl y be r efilled when the salt warning light in the control panel comes on.
Depend ing on how well the s alt diss olve s, th e sa lt warnin g light may still be on even t hough the
salt cont ainer is filled .
If the re i s n o sa lt w arning light in the con trol panel (fo r some M ode ls) ,you c an e stim ate when to f il l
the s alt i nto the softene r by th e cycles t hat the dishwashe r has run.
2. If there a re spi lls o f the salt, a soak or a rap id pr ogram shoul d be run to remo ve the excessiv e sa lt.
Always use the salt int ended for u se wi th di shwasher.
The s alt c ont ain er is l ocated ben eath the lowe r bas ket and sh ould b e fill ed a s e xplaine d
in t he follow ing:
Only use salt spe cif ically desi gne d f or t he use i n dishwa shers! Every other type of
salt n ot speci fically de sig ned fo r the u se in a d ishwas her, espe cially t able salt, wi ll
damage the w ater sof tener. I n case of da mages caused b y t he use of unsuitab le
salt t he ma nufact ure r doe s not gi ve any wa rranty nor is liabl e for a ny damage s cau sed.
Only fil l wi th s alt just b efore sta rting one o f th e co mp lete washi ng p rogra ms.
This wi ll p reve nt any g rains of s a lt or sa lty wate r, wh ich ma y have b een spilled,
remain ing on th e bottom o f t he machi ne for any p eriod of t ime, which may cau se
c o rrosio n.
Th e r inse aid is rel eas ed d uring the final rin se to preve nt water fro m f orming d roplets o n y our dis hes, w hic h can
leave spots and s treaks. It also improve s dry ing by allowing wate r t o roll off t he dishes. Your dishwa sher i s
designed to use liquid rinseaids. The rinseaid dispenser is located inside the door next to the detergentdispense r.
To fil l the dispe ns er, op en the cap and pour the rinse ai d in to th e d ispens er until t he le vel i ndi cator t urns c om pletel y
black. The v olume of the rinse a id c ontainer i s about 110m l.
Rinse Aid Dispenser
Function of Rinse Aid
Rinse ai d is aut oma tic ally a dded d uring t he l ast ri nse, ensur ing th orough rinsi ng , and spo t an d s treak f ree drying.
Only use branded rinse aid for dishwasher. Never fill the rinse aid dispenser with any other substances
(e.g. Di shwas her cleani ng ag ent, liqu id dete rg ent). Th is would damag e t he app lian ce .
A Remove the lower basket and then unscrew and remove the cap from the salt container.
B Before the first wash, fill 1lt. of water in the salt container of your machine.
C Pl ace th e e nd of the fun nel ( su pplied) into the hole and i ntroduce abou t 1kg of sal t .
D Af ter f il ling the co ntainer , scr ew the c ap t ightly back clo ckwise.
E Usu ally, the s alt warni ng li ght wi ll stop bei ng il luminat ed wit hin 2-6 days af ter t he s alt c ont ain er ha s be en fi lled wit h
sal t.
F Imm ediat ely a ft er f illing t he s alt into th e sa lt co ntain er, a w ashing progr am s ho uld be started
progr am Othe rwis e t he fil ter syst em , pump or othe r im portan t part s of the machin e m ay be d amaged
by salty water. This is out of warranty.
(We s u ggest to use t he
soak or rapid ).