The following things should be checked before starting the dishwasher.
The content of this manual is very helpful to the users.
After installation, please make sure to keep this manual.
The dishwasher is level and fixed properly
T he i nlet va lve is o pen
There is a leakage at the connections of the conducts
The wires are tightly connected
The power is switched on
The i nlet an d drain hos es a re kno tted
All packing materials and printings should be taken out from the dishwasher
Syphon Connection
Extension Hose
If you need a drain hose extension, make sure to use a similar drain hose.
It mu st be no lon ger th an 4 m etres; ot herw ise the c leaning eff ect of the di shw asher coul d be reduced .
Wa t e r O ut l e t
Connect t he wat er d rain h os e. The dr ain h ose mu st be cor rect ly fit ted t o av oid w ate r lea ks.
Ensur e t hat th e w ate r dra in hose i s no t kin ked or s quashed .
The waste connection must be at a height of between 40 cm (minimum) and 100 cm (maximum)
f ro m t he b ot to m o f the di sh. The w a t er dr ai n hos e sh oul d be fi xed b y a h ose c lip. T h e free en d of
the h ose mu st n o t be imm erse d in wat er.
I f the si nk is 1 000 h igh er f rom t he f l oor, t he ex c ess w a ter in ho ses canno t b e drai ne d di r ec tl y
into the sink. It will be necessary to drain excesswater from hoses into a bowl or suitable
conta ine r tha t is held out side and lower th an t he s ink.
How to Drain Excess Water From Hoses