Another transmitter was used in the immediate area.
1. Reprogram Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) transmitter. See REMOTE KEYLESS ENTRY (RKE)
TRANSMITTER under PROGRAMMING. Attempt to perform all functions controlled by RKE
transmitter. If RKE transmitter controls all functions, repair is complete. If RKE transmitter does not
control all functions, go to next step.
2. Program a known-
good RKE transmitter. Attempt to perform all functions controlled by RKE transmitter.
If RKE transmitter controls all functions, repair is complete. If RKE transmitter does not control all
functions, go to next step.
3. Replace Body Control Module (BCM). See BODY CONTROL MODULE (BCM) under REMOVAL
& INSTALLATION. Reprogram RKE transmitter(s). Retest operation.
The digital RF message received was from a Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) system transmitter that is
programmed to Body Control Module (BCM), but message did not pass sumcheck security test. No remote
function capabilities will exist.
DTC 43 will set when remote keyless entry system transmitter is out of synchronization with BCM. Fault may
be caused by transmitter buttons being pressed more than 256 times while out of range of BCM. Fault may also
be caused by transmitter battery being changed and buttons being pressed more than 10 times while out of range
of BCM. Fault may also be present if digital RF message has an error due to outside noise from surrounding
environment, or if transmitter is defective.
Most likely cause is that RKE system transmitter is out of synchronization. To synchronize transmitter, press
LOCK and UNLOCK buttons on transmitter simultaneously for 5 seconds.
Diagnostic Aids
If DTC 43 is set, transmitter is out of synchronization with BCM. This can be caused by one or more of the
Transmitter buttons were pressed more than 256 times while out of BCM RF signal range.
Transmitter buttons were pressed more than 10 times while out of BCM RF signal range after transmitter
battery was replaced.
Transmitter RF signal was interrupted.
Transmitter is defective.
1. Reprogram Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) transmitter. See REMOTE KEYLESS ENTRY (RKE)
under PROGRAMMING. Attempt to perform all functions controlled by RKE
2000 Cadillac Escalade
2000 ACCESSORIES & EQUIPMENT' 'Body Control Modules - Escalade, Tahoe & Yukon Denali
October-22-10 7:55:08 PM Page 20 ©
2005 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.