Unique solutions for working life
Most people nd it demanding working in an open-plan ofce, in
lively environments or anywhere with a lot of background noise.
We know that people with hearing impairments also have
difculty with the sound levels in other work situations.
This is why we have developed Comfort Digisystem, a range
of digital hearing products tailored to people’s requirements
and to every given situation. To describe how Comfort Digisystem
works, we have given examples of everyday work situations on
the following pages.
Why are Comfort Audio hearing products needed?
Even if a person with a hearing impairment has a hearing aid,
it is often inadequate for hearing properly in all situations as
it amplies all sound, even distracting background noise.
Comfort Digisystem conference microphones process the
sound efciently by ltering out unwanted background noise
and enhancing speech. The result is crystal-clear sound and
the best possible speech reproduction.