WARNING: To reduce the risk of fire, electr!cal
shock, or ser=ous =njury, observe the follow=ns:
1 This dishwasher is provided with Installation Instructions and this Use and Care Manual. Read and
understand all instructions before usin8 the dishwasher.
2 This appliance must be 8rounded to a metal, permanent wirin8 system, or an equipment 8roundin8
conductor must be run with the circuit conductors and connected to the equipment 8roundin8 ter-
minal or lead on the dishwasher. See the Installation Instructions included with this dishwasher for
more information on electrical requirements.
3 Use this dishwasher only for its intended function, which is the washin8 of household dishware
and kitchenware.
4 Use only detersents or rinsin8 asents recommended for use in a dishwasher, and keep them out of
the reach of children.
5 When Ioadin8 items to be washed:
• Locate sharp items so they are not likely to damase the door seal.
• Load knives and other sharp utensils with their HANDLES UP to reduce the risk of cut-
type injuries.
• Do not wash plastic items unless they are marked "dishwasher safe" or the equivalent.
For plastic items not so marked, check the manufacturer's recommendations.
• Do not operate your dishwasher unless all enclosure panels are in place.
• Do not tamper with or override controls and interlocks.
6 Do not abuse, sit or stand on the door or dish racks of the dishwasher.
7 To reduce risk of injury, do not allow children to play in or on the dishwasher.
8 When children become old enoush to operate the appliance, it is the lesal responsibility of the par-
ents/lesal 8uardians to ensure the children are instructed in safe practices by qualified persons.
9 Under certain conditions, hydrosen 8as may be produced in a hot water system that has not been
used for two weeks or more. Hydrosen 8as is explosive. Before usin8 a dishwasher that is con-
nected to a hot water system that has been unused for two weeks or Ionser, turn on all hot water
faucets and let the water flow from each for several minutes. This will release any accumulated
hydrosen 8as. As the 8as is explosive, do not smoke or use an open flame durin8 this time.
10 Remove the dishwasher door to the washin8 compartment when removin8 an old dishwasher for
service or discardins.
11 To avoid floor damase and possible mold 8rowth, do not allow wet areas to remain around or
under the dishwasher.
12 Protect your dishwasher from the elements. Protect asainst freezin8 to avoid possible damase to
the fill valve. Damase caused by freezin8 is not covered by the warranty.
13 For a cord-connect appliance:
• This appliance must be 8rounded. In the event of a malfunction or breakdown, 8round-
in8 will reduce the risk of electric shock by providin8 a path of least resistance for elec-
tric current. This appliance is equipped with a cord havin8 an equipment-sroundin8
conductor and a 8roundin8 plus. The plus must be plu88ed into an appropriate outlet
that is installed and 8rounded in accordance with all local codes and ordinances.
• Improper connection of the equipment-sroundin8 conductor can result in risk of elec-
tric shock. Check with a qualified electrician or service representative if you are in
doubt whether the appliance is properly 8rounded. Do not modify the plus provided
with the appliance, if it will not fit the outlet, have a proper outlet installed by a quali-
fied electrician.