(Select Models)
Cleaning, rinsing and drying performance of your dishwasher will increase when
water softening system is adjusted properly.
Adjust the new water hardness level according to the Water hardness level
instruction in this booklet.
Use the test strip supplied with the product according to the steps given below to
determine hardness level of your supply water.
a b
d e f
Remove the test
strip from the
Turn on the tap and
let the water run for
about a minute.
Hold the test strip in
the water for about
a second.
Remove the test
strip from the water
and shake it.
Wait for 1 minute. The test strip shows
you the hardness
1 Second
1 Minute
1 min.
After determining hardness level of the supply water:
1. Turn on the machine, press Time Delay and P+/P keys simultaneously. After
the countdown (3,2,1) is displayed keep the keys pressed for a while.
2. Press P+/P key to activate the (r..) position.
3. Using Time Delay key, adjust water hardness level according to the hardness of
the supply water. See “Water hardness level adjustment table” for correct setting.
4. Press On / Off key to save the setting.
Water hardness level adjustment table
Grains Per
Gallon (gpg)
German Water
Hardness °dH
French Water
Hardness °dF
Water Hardness Level Indicator
0th Level
0-14 0-4 0-8
Press the Time Delay key to switch the water hardness level
to position 1. (r1)
1st Level
15-22 5-7 9-13
2nd Level
23-37 8-12 14-22
Press the Time Delay key to switch the water hardness level
to position 2. (r2)
3rd Level
38-46 13-15 23-27
Press the Time Delay key to switch the water hardness level
to position 3. (r3)
4th Level
47-58 16-19 28-34
Press the Time Delay key to switch the water hardness level
to position 4. (r4)
5th Level
59-154 20-50 35-90
Press the Time Delay key to switch the water hardness level
to position 5. (r5)
If the hardness level of the supply water is above 154 gpg (grains per gallon) or if
you are using well water, then it is recommended to use water purification devices
and special filters.
If the hardness level of the supply water is below 22 gpg, there is no need to use
salt in your dishwasher. If this is the case, “No Salt Warning Indicator” (if any)
illuminates continuously on the panel of your machine.
If the water hardness level adjustment is set to level 1, the “No salt warning
indicator” will illuminate continuously although it is not necessary to use salt. If