68 / English
Front-Loading Automatic Washer-Dryer
User maintenance instructions
Cleaning the outer cabinet and control panel
When necessary:
• Wipetheexteriorpanelsofyourmachinewithsoapywaterormild
detergent. Dry it with a soft cloth.
• Useonlyasoftanddampclothtocleanthecontrolpanel.
• Never use a sponge or scrubbing material. These will damage the
painted and plastic parts.
Cleaning the water inlet strainers
There is a strainer at the end of each water inlet valve at the back side
of the machine and also at the end of each water inlet hose where
they are connected to the faucets. These strainers prevent the foreign
substances and dirt in the water to enter into the machine. Strainers
should be cleaned from time to time.
• Closethewaterfaucets.
• Removethenutsofthewaterinlethosestocleanthe
surfaces of the strainers on the water inlet valves with
an appropriate brush.
• Ifthestrainersareverydirty,youcanpullthemoutby
means of pliers and clean them.
• Takeoutthestrainersontheflatendsofthewater
inlet hoses together with the rubber seals and clean
thoroughly under running water.
• Replacetherubbersealsandstrainerscarefullyandtightenthe
hose nuts by hand.