Network Protocols and Features
IPv4 or IPv4 / IPv6 Dual Stack
NAT, static (v4/v6) routing and RIP-1 / 2
IPv6 Stateless / Stateful Address Auto-configuration
IPv6 Router Advertisement
IPv6 over PPP
IP Tunnel IPv6 in IPv4(6RD)
IP Tunnel IPv4 in IPv6(DS-Lite)
Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) Compliant
Dynamic Domain Name System (DDNS)
Virtual Server, DMZ
SNTP, DNS relay, IGMP snooping and IGMP proxy for video service
MLD snooping and MLD proxy for video service
Management based-on IP protocol, port number and address
• Support port-based and tag-based Virtual LAN (VLAN)
Built-in NAT Firewall
Stateful Packet Inspection (SPI)
• DoS attack prevention
• Packet Filtering (v4/v6) - port, source IP address, destination IP address, MAC address,
• URL Content Filtering (v4/v6) – string or domain name detection in URL string
Quality of Service Control
Supports the DiffServ approach
Traffic prioritization and bandwidth management based-on IPv4/IPv6 protocol, port
number and address
• Support port shaping
ATM and PPP Protocols
ATM Adaptation Layer Type 5 (AAL5)
• Multiple Protocol over ALL5 (RFC 268, formerly RFC 1483)
Bridged or routed Ethernet encapsulation
VC and LLC based multiplexing
PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE)
PPP over ATM (RFC 2364)