DNS, Domain Name System, is a distributed database of TCP/IP application. DNS provides
translation of Domain name to IP.
Three ways to set an IPv4 DNS server
Select DNS server from available WAN interfaces: Select a desirable WAN interface as the
IPv4 DNS server.
User the following Static DNS IP address: To specify DNS server manually by entering your
primary and secondary DNS server addresses.
Use the IP address provided by Parental Control Provider: If user registers and gets an
DNS account in the parental control provider website, expecting to enjoy a more reliable and
safer internet surfing environment, please select this option (need to configure at Parental
Control Provider).
IPv6 DNS Server’s operation is similar to IPv4 DNS server. There are two modes to get DNS server
address: Auto and Static mode.
Obtain IPv6 DNS info from a WAN interface
WAN Interface selected: Select one configured IPv6 WAN connection from the drop-down menu to
be as an IPv6 DNS.
Use the following Static IPv6 DNS address