the router is not detecting an ADSL signal and you should contact your
Service Provider immediately).
2. Ensure your username and password are correct – your username should read
3. Ensure you have a filter attached to the master socket, and check that there are
no phones connected to any extensions that do not have a filter.
If you still can’t get a connection after checking the above – disconnect all phones,
sky boxes, fax machines etc., double–check that all cables are correctly connected and
filters properly attached, restart the router, and try again. If this still fails then we
suggest you contact your Service Provider for further advice.
Billion 7402X/GX Modem/Routers are configured with standard UK ADSL settings.
Standard ADSL UK settings are VPI 0, VCI 38 and Encapsulation PPPoA VC-Mux.
A small number of Service Providers do however have their own proprietary settings.
In this case please contact your ISP to confirm their configuration parameters.
3.2 Troubleshooting the 3G connection:
1. Please allow up to 1 minute to connect to the mobile network after inserting
the 3G USB dongle/stick.
2. If you are operating the 7402X/GX in a low signal strength area, the 3G USB
dongle/stick may not be able to pick up a signal – try moving the unit to
achieve a better signal or try a USB extender to move the dongle/stick into a
more favourable position.
3. Most USB dongles/sticks have an LED light on the front. Blue (3G) or green
(2G) blinking usually means a network has been found and the device is
ready to connect. Solid blue or solid green means the device is connected.
4. Most USB dongles/sticks spoof the driver when initially inserted into the
7402X/GX. If you are in an area with an intermittent 3G/2G signal you may
lose connection and be unable to reconnect. If this happens we suggest
powering off the router and restarting the connection process.
5. If you have initially configured the 7402X/GX with ADSL as the primary
WAN interface and 3G as failover mode, and then you want to change the
primary WAN interface to 3G (say for an exhibition or roadshow), then be
aware that your failover settings may be lost, so you will need to reconfigure
them when you revert to ADSL as your primary WAN interface.
6. Please check the Downloads section of our website at
www.billion.uk.com/esupport for firmware upgrades for current card
7. A list of compatible USB dongles/sticks can be found at
Telephone Support for Internet Access ONLY is available during office hours from
Mon-Fri 10am–5pm on 0870-8501528. If you are successfully connected to the
Internet and have a support query please go to www.billion.uk.com/esupport and
submit a ticket.