TRT800H Installation and Operation
Dokument-Nr.: 03.2121.010.71e / Revision: 1.03
• Release FID at the corresponding value for following functions:
just display AA/AC/FID data
o display automatically returns to STBY
change FID only (AA/AC input locked)
o turn ..X. to set cursor (“^”)
o turn .X.. to select characters
o press MOD to save and to return to STBY
6.3 Transponder Mode Selection
Press MOD (repeatedly) to select from the following modes:
Standard condition; transponder responds to mode A, C and S
• A-S
Altitude is not transmitted (neither on C nor on S requests). Other
S data are transmitted.
Transponder only responds to directly addressed Mode S
interrogations, squitter remains active.
If a ground switch is connected, actuation of this switch will cause
the transponder switch to STBY.
6.4 Squawk Setting
• Turn X…/.X../..X./…X to switch the four digits of the stand-by
Squawk-Codes (lower line).
• turn
to swap stand-by and active squawk.