Release Notes for Router Software Version 11.00 Revision 4n
24 114968-A Rev. A
Using IPX Dial Optimized Routing (DOR)
The following information will help you use DOR optimally.
Inactivity Mode
We recommend that you set the Inactivity Mode parameter to Transmit Only. Any
other setting causes the inactivity mode to reset when the receive end can’t filter
Serialization, Watchdog, and Keep Alive packets for NORESET. These packets
could keep the demand line active for long periods of time.
RIP/SAP Pace and Packet Size Parameters
As IPX routes and services grow in number, IPX RIP and SAP packets may be
clipped when an IPX DOR circuit comes up or changes state. To stop the clipping,
reduce the value of the Pace parameter for RIP and SAP packets or change the
RIP/SAP packet size for the IPX DOR circuit. You should reduce the RIP/SAP
Pace parameter for IPX DOR circuits to accommodate the number of IPX routes
and services in the network.
Diagnostic Packets and Time Synchronization
No default priority queuing filters exist for IPX diagnostics packets or packets
used in NDS time synchronization. You can configure a priority queueing filter to
keep IPX diagnostic packets from bringing up a demand line. However, since the
Bay Networks IPX ping packet is a diagnostic packet, the filter will affect it as
NDS time synchronization packets are treated as data packets. You can configure
NetWare servers for larger polling intervals to reduce the frequency of bringing up
the line for time synchronization packets.
Using Frame Relay Service Records
The following sections compare service records to the access modes that formerly
defined Bay Networks Frame Relay services.