Administer IP Codec set – Fax settings
On Page 2, set the FAX Mode field to t.38-standard. This is necessary to support the
FaxFinder server assigned to IP network region 2. The Modem Mode field should be set
to off.
Leave the FAX Redundancy setting at its default value of 0. A packet redundancy level
can be assigned to improve packet delivery and robustness of FAX transport over the
network (with increased bandwidth as trade-off). Avaya uses IETF RFC-2198 and ITU-T
T.38 specifications as redundancy standard. With this standard, each Fax over IP packet
is sent with additional (redundant) 0 to 3 previous fax packets based on the redundancy
setting. A setting of 0 (no redundancy) is suited for networks where packet loss is not a