SVS; Reviewed:
WCH/MI 6/20/02
Solution & Interoperability Test Lab Application Notes
© 2002 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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4.2.4. IP Interfaces
The IP Interfaces form defines gateway router IP addresses for CLANs and Prowlers. .
Display or edit the interfaces by entering: change ip-interfaces
Eth Pt Type Slot Code Sfx Node Name Subnet Mask Gateway Addr Rgn
y C-LAN 01A04 TN799 C clan-IP600-gk 10.9 .1 .5 1
y MEDPRO 01A05 TN2302 prowler-600Big 10.9 .1 .5 1
n . . .
4.2.5. IP Network Regions
Display or change the IP network region by entering: change ip-network region 1
IP Network Region
Region: 1
Name: main
Audio Parameters
Codec Set: 1
UDP Port Range
Min: 2048
Max: 65535
DiffServ PHB Value: 40
802.1p/Q Enabled? n
Direct IP-IP Audio Connections? y
IP Audio Hairpinning? y
4.2.6. IP Codec
Display or change the IP codec by entering: change ip-codec 1. Other codec setting can be
used as long as Cisco “dial-peer” configuration statements as set accordingly.
IP Codec Set
Codec Set: 1
Audio Silence Frames Packet
Codec Suppression Per Pkt Size(ms)
1: G.711MU n 2 20