Input connector 4-pin locking connector. Compatible with Audio-Technica Wireless
lavalier and headworn microphones
Bias voltage to The mtu301 delivers 11.5V DC to pin 4 of the input connector
mic feed
Battery type Two 1.5 volt AA alkaline batteries are included. Rechargeable
SANYO brand NiMH AA batteries are recommended; they are
included with the available chg001 wall charger.
Battery life Approximately 9 hours depending on battery type and use pattern.
Current 260 mA at 3V DC
Average RF power 40 nanowatts
Weight 227 grams (0.5 lb.) - less batteries
Dimensions 81.8 mm (3.22") wide, 27.5 mm (1.08") deep,
118 mm (4.65") height, 227 grams (0.5 lb.)
Optional AES level 3, 128 bit
* Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Audio-Technica U.S., Inc.
1221 Commerce Drive, Stow, Ohio 44224 (330) 686-2600
P13168 ©2011 Audio-Technica U.S., Inc.