Environmental protection is firmly rooted in
Audi’s corporate strategy. During the vehicle
development process, all environmental crite-
ria are incorporated into the product and pro-
duction concept from the outset. Economic
goals and ecological needs are balanced so
that no conflicts of aims arise.
Waste avoidance and reduction
From 1998 onwards, Audi will use only water-
soluble paints in a effort to make its produc-
tion process more environmentally-friendly.
This step will see a dramatic reduction in sol-
vent emissions. Today’s fillers and base coats,
for example, contain up to 45% solvent. By
comparison, the solvent content in water-solu-
ble systems is only about 6%.
A brief introduction to the TT
Produce locally - think global:
Audi lays great store by waste avoidance,
reduction and recycling.
– Almost all production resources and
supplied parts are delivered in re-usable
– Most sheet-metal blanks are designed so
as to minimise cutting waste after
The recycling rate at Audi is now about 94%
by weight. Metal cuttings from the press plant
are used to manufacture small parts as far as
possible. The resulting scrap is returned to the
steelworks, where steel and zinc are separated
from one another.
Other waste materials such as paper, card-
board, timber, polystyrene, etc. are collected
separately and fully recycled .