297x198_Samoa1_Fas09_Bild_70 70 07.07.11 11:41
Audi efficiency
The direct route to enhanced efficiency is via
innovation. For decades, Audi has been
continuously providing decisive impetus for the
entire automobile industry, thereby proving that
effective efficiency is the result of a sustainable
strategy. That’s why fuel consumption and
emission-reducing measures are fitted as
standard to all Audi models. The extensive
technologies are combined in a model-specific
manner and are implemented consistently
throughout the entire vehicle fleet.
The Audi Space Frame (ASF), which is used in a
range of Audi models, is a milestone in the
extensive experience Audi has gained with
lightweight construction. With this revolutionary
construction method, the weight of the body
shell is reduced by about a third in comparison
with conventional steel constructions. The latest
innovation in lightweight construction: the
weight-reducing aluminium hybrid construction
used in the Audi A6. Furthermore, with the TDI,
Audi has developed one of the world’s most
successful diesel technologies. The combination
of direct diesel injection and turbocharging
provides high efficiency and excellent engine
power. Current highlight: the 3.0 TDI clean diesel
in the Audi A4 Saloon¹. It already fulfils the EU6
emission standard that does not come into force
in Europe until 2014.
Another highlight: the downsizing technology on
the TFSI® petrol engines. Five times in
succession, the 2.0-litre TFSI engine has been
voted “Engine of the Year”². A new evolutionary
stage in efficiency is set by Audi with the Q5
hybrid quattro: as a pioneer of electrical mobility,
it marks the entry into a future that will have low
emission levels in the long term.
The potential of the frugal TDI and TFSI engines
is brought particularly efficiently onto the road
with the S tronic dual-clutch transmission with
low engine speeds and shorter gearshifting
times. And the aerodynamic design of the Audi
bodies can contribute to an additional fuel saving
through a combination of low drag and low lift.
All measures contribute towards a perfect
combination of efficiency and sportiness in every
Audi. Today – and also in the future. So that you
can at all times feel the demand that we have
always placed on ourselves: Vorsprung durch
¹ Fuel consumption in l/100 km: urban 8.7;
extra-urban 5.5; combined 6.7; CO₂ emissions in
g/km: combined 175.
² The “International Engine of the Year Awards”
are awarded by renowned automotive journalists
from more than 30 countries: UKIP Media &
Events Ltd.; www.ukipme.com/engineoftheyear
Efficiency: standard in every Audi.
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