297x198_Samoa1_Fas09_Bild_26 26 24.06.11 12:16
Audi S5 Coupé
It only takes a moment before the Audi S5 Coupé wins you over. The drawn-out lines of
the side sections crouch down, while with its flat roof the Audi S5 Coupé appears to be
about to spring forward. The standard 18-inch cast aluminium wheels reinforce the
athletic impression. One blink of the eye and the Audi S5 Coupé is up and away.
The fuel consumption and CO₂ emission figures can be found from page 120 onwards.
A5_Coupe_Fas24_2011_07.indd 26 17.01.12 13:28
297x198_Samoa1_Fas09_Bild_27 27 24.06.11 12:17A5_Coupe_Fas24_2011_07.indd 27 17.01.12 13:28