Battery Installation and Removal
The TG852 Telephony Gateway supports a Lithium-Ion backup battery to provide
backup in the event of a local power loss. The battery backup is not intended to take
the place of AC power.
Note: For safety and regulatory purposes, batteries are shipped outside of the
Telephony Gateway and must be installed.
The TG852 supports the following battery models:
• Basic backup battery — provides up to 5 hours (black) or 8 hours (grey)
of backup time, depending on your Telephony Gateway model and usage. It
may be light grey (recommended battery) or black.
Basic Battery Installation and Replacement
• Extended backup battery — provides up to 12 hours of backup time, de-
pending on model and usage. It has a strap between the battery guides.
Extended Battery Installation and Replacement
Your cable company may include a backup battery with your Telephony Gateway.
You can order any of the batteries shown here at http://yourbroadbandstore.com/
Touchstone TG852 Telephony Gateway User’s Guide
Configuration Usage Troubleshooting Glossary
Basic Backup Battery (black)
Basic Backup Battery (grey)
Extended Backup Battery