P.O. Box 247, 4320 Aerotech Center Way Old Part No: 711055
Paso Robles, CA 93447 PAGE 2 OF 4
Telephone: (800) 350-2223 Fax: (805) 238-4201 Page Rev. Date: 09-16-13
SPECIAL NOTE: The components packaged in this kit have been assembled and machined for specific type of conversions. Modifications to any of the components will
void any possible warranty or return privileges. If you do not fully understand modifications or changes that will be required to complete your conversion, we strongly recommend
that you contact our sales department for more information. This instruction sheet is only to be used for the assembly of Advance Adapter components. We recommend that a
service manual pertaining to your vehicle be obtained for specific torque values, wiring diagrams and other related equipment. These manuals are normally available at automotive
dealerships and parts stores.
There are two basic styles of the 3 speed overdrive Ford transmission. The first is the "RAM" that is not compatible with
our adapter kits. These transmissions have the gear shift levers mounted in the rear extension housings. The model that
is required for use with our kits is the "RUG" that has an aluminum case which is 10-1/4" long and has a casting number
of 2603606 or 2603729. This model has the shift levers that are on the left hand side of the main case. There are two
different cases for the "RUG" transmission and these two differ from the size of the rear bearing. The 2603606 is found
mostly in cars and uses a standard #307 output bearing, while the 2603729 has a larger bore and requires a special Advance
Adapters bearing, P/N 716307. If you have purchased a kit that has the incorrect shaft size for the transmission that you
are replacing, you will then need to purchase this special bearing. The "RUG" transmission can also be found in Ford
trucks 1986 and newer that have a top shift control. These transmissions are excellent to use with our conversion kits.
When assembling the new transmission main shaft and using the larger bearing, you will also be required to enlarge the
bearing diameter and snap ring diameter in your new adapter plate. We suggest that you measure your original tailhousing
for determining the exact diameters and depths required.
On Jeep and Toyota conversions, the new main shaft position is determined by the fixed gear in the transfer case. If the
transfer case gear is not installed properly with the correct bearing then the position of the new main shaft in your
transmission will be incorrect. The clearance holes in the adapter plate must provide adequate depth for the shift rail to
fully extend into the housing It is best to shift all three gears on the work bench prior to assembly into the vehicle in order
to make sure the proper depth and clearance has been maintained.
The truck overdrive transmissions use a larger bearing in the rear of the transmission case. In order to use our new output
shaft with truck transmissions, you will need to order the following items:
1 - 716307 Special Bearing
2 - O60085 Thrust Washer
These items will also require the casting to be modified to fit the larger bearing. The last page of this instruction sheet has
the bearing dimension requirements for machining the casting.