Prior to Installation:
For Windows 95: The system needs to be upgraded to version 4.00.950 B.
For Windows NT: Windows NT Workstation or Server versions 4.0 SP4 and higher are required.
Insert the CD into the CD Drive. If the installation does not start automatically, you may manually
start the set-up by selecting "Run" from the Start Menu on your PC. Choose the file SETUP.EXE
on the CD root directory, and then follow the instructions on the screen. It is recommended to
use the default set-up values.
Note: If Windows NT is being used, full access must be given in the registry to all keys in
"Software\MediTron App." Ask your System Administrator to help with registry security settings.
Attaching the Connector:
Attach the stereo mini-plug (the line with one plug at the end) into the Input/Output port of
the Stethoscope. Plug the connector marked "IN" into the "LINE IN" jack of the PC. The other
connector labelled "OUT" plugs into the "LINE OUT" of the PC. Make sure that all the connectors
are inserted fully into their receptacles.
Start the program and attempt to make a recording by pressing the "Record" button. Hold
the stethoscope against your chest as when auscultating, and press and release the On/Off button
on the stethoscope. If you don’t see a phonetic diagram on the screen corresponding to the sound
you hear, try to place the cursor over the data view in the bottom half of the program. If you still
can’t see a phonetic diagram on the screen, check the troubleshooting section of the help system
for possible causes.