Technical Service Phone Numbers
Welch Allyn, Inc.
4341 State Street Road
Skaneateles Falls, NY 13153
Tel: 315-685-4560 or 800-535-6663
Fax: 315-685-3361
Welch Allyn Canada Ltd. Welch Allyn China
Tel: 905 890 0004 Tel: 86 21 6327 9631
Fax: 905 890 0008 Fax: 86 21 6327 9632
Welch Allyn U.K. Ltd. Welch Allyn Japan K.K.
Tel: 44 1296 682140 Tel: 81 3 5212 7391
Fax: 44 1296 682104 Fax: 81 3 3261 7372
Welch Allyn Ireland Ltd. Welch Allyn Ltd. Singapore
Tel: 353 46 67700 Tel: 65 291 0882
Fax: 353 46 27128 Fax: 65 291 5780
Welch Allyn Italy Welch Allyn Ltd. Thailand
Tel: 39 02 669 9291 Tel: 662 4400280
Fax: 39 02 6671 3599 Fax: 662 4400084
Welch Allyn Australia Pty. Ltd. Welch Allyn Germany
Tel: 612 9638 3000 Tel: 49 7477 9271 0
Fax: 612 9638 3500 Fax: 49 7477 9271 90
Welch Allyn Hong Kong Welch Allyn France
Tel: 852 2886 8980 Tel: 01 60 09 33 66
Fax: 852 2886 8360 Fax: 01 60 09 67 97
The CE mark on this product indicates that it is in conformity
with the provisions of Council Directive 93/42/EEC.
Authorized European Representative Address:
European Regulatory Manager
Welch Allyn Ltd.
Navan Business Park
Dublin Road
Navan, County Meath, Republic of Ireland.
Tel.: 353-46-67700
Fax: 353-46-27128
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