System Board Labels
Table 2 lists the labels for connectors and sockets on your system board, and it gives a brief description of their functions.
Table 2. System Board Connectors and Sockets
jumpered unjumpered
Aux-in audio card connector
Hard-disk drive access indicator connector
External bay devices power connector
(CD-ROM drive, optional diskette drive, etc.)
CD-ROM drive audio interface connector
Diskette drive interface connector
Network interface controller (NIC) connector
Microprocessor fan connector
Card cage fan speed control connector
Processor 1 heat sink fan
Processor 2 heat sink fan
Keyboard connector and mouse connector (stacked)
Wakeup on LAN card connector
Parallel port connector (sometimes referred to as LPT1) and SCSI connector (stacked)
32-bit PCI expansion-card connectors
64-bit PCI expansion-card connectors
Main power input connector 1
Main power input connector 2
Optional RAID PCI expansion card connector extension
Serial port connectors (sometimes referred to as COM1 and COM2; stacked)
Primary Intel®Pentium®: IIIXeon™microprocessorSECCconnector
Secondary Pentium III Xeon processor SECC connector
TAPI input card connector (voice modem to audio system interface)