positions shown on the label and read the corresponding frequency.
Write that frequency on the line below.
TRANSMITTER FREQUENCY:______________________________
Carrier Frequency: Field-selectable, 169 -172 MHz
System Range: Varies with application, 300 feet nom.
Signal/Noise Ratio: 90 dB, NAB Weighted
Frequency Response: 40 Hz to 18 kHz, +1, -2dB
Total Harmonic Distortion: 1% Maximum
Dimensions: 3-5/8" x 2-3/8" x 7/8"
Weight: 4 ounces with battery
Color: Black
Case Material: Shatter-proof polyallomer
Battery Type: 9 Volt alkaline, Lithium, or VARTA TR 7/8 Ni-Cad
Battery Drain: 40 mA
Battery Life: Eveready 522: 5 - 6 hours
Kodak Ultralife: 9 - 10 hours
VARTA TR 7/8: 2.5 hours/charge
Charging Jack: Battery charges through the MIC jack
Charging Indicator: Red LED lights while charging
RF Carrier Frequency: Field-selectable by jumpers on PCB,
169 - 172 MHz
RF Output Power: 40 mW, nominal
Frequency Control: Digital Frequency Synthesizer, PLL
Frequency Stability: +
.005%, crystal reference
Modulation: FM, + 15 kHz
Antenna: Integral with MIC cord
FCC Approval: Part 90.217, Part 74, FCC ID: CNM75ST11
Pre-Emphasis: 75 uS
Modulation Control: 2:1 Linear Compressor
Mic Input Level: 90 mV maximum
Microphone Connector: 3.5 mm Mini Phone Jack
Microphone Power: Supplies positive DC for condenser mics on
tip of mic plug
Microphone Type: Condenser, MIC 041 or MIC 839, omni,
28" cord, 3.5mm mono phone plug
Optional Microphones: MIC 022 - Cardioid Condenser,
MIC 015 - Noise-Cancelling Headset
Control Switch: 3-Way, off / mic-mute / mic-on