Your Washer-dryer could fail to work. Before contacting the Technical Assistance Centre (see “Assistance”), make sure
that the problem cannot be solved easily using the following list.
The machine does not switch on.
The wash cycle does not start.
The machine does not dry.
The clothes are too hot when the
drying cycle is finished.
The machine does not fill with water or
the indicator light for the first wash
cycle stage flashes rapidly.
The machine continuously fills with
water and continually drains away
or Water left in the drum
or Stuck on wash.
The machine does not drain or spin -
‘START/PAUSE’ flashing orange.
The wash programme takes too long.
The Display sticks at one ‘time to end’
for more than 1 Minute or the Display
changes the estimated ‘Time to End’
during the programme.
The machine vibrates a lot during the
spin cycle.
Possible causes / Solutions:
• Theapplianceisnotpluggedintothesocketfully,ornotenoughtomakecontact.
• Thereisnopowertothesocket,orthefusehasblowninthemainsplug.
• Thedoorisnotclosedproperly.
• TheON/OFFbuttonhasnotbeenpressed.
• TheSTART/PAUSEbuttonhasnotbeenpressed.
• Thewatertaphasnotbeenturnedontoallowwatertoflowintothemachine.
• The‘DELAYTIMER’hasbeenselected.
• The‘CHILDLOCK’isactivated(see‘Themachine just‘beeps’whenapro-
• Checkthe2sectionsabove.
• The‘DRY’buttonhasbeenpressedtoexcludedrying.
• Acooling-downperiodisalwaysaddedtotheendofeachdryingcycle.If
the clothes appear too hot to handle leave the door open to allow to cool
further before removing from the machine.
• Thewaterinlethoseiskinked.
• Thewaterinlethoseisnotconnectedtothewatersupply.
• Thewaterpressureistoolow.
• Thewatertaphasnotbeenturnedontoallowwatertoflowintothemachine.
• Thereisnowatersupplytothehouse.
• Theinletvalvefilterisblocked.
• TheSTART/PAUSEbuttonhasnotbeenpressed.
• Thetopofthedrainhoseistoolow-Itmustbefittedataheightbetween
65 and 100 cm from the floor (see “Installation”).
• Thedrainhoseisconnectedincorrectlytothesinktrapallowingwaterto
run into the machine, the drain hose must be positioned higher than the
bottom of the sink to prevent water flowing down the drain hose.
• Theendofthedrainhosehasbeenpushedtoofardownthestandpipe,the
• ThePumpfilterisblocked- (see Care & Maintenance).
• Thedrainhoseiskinked.
• New Installation - The blanking cap or spigot has not been removed if con-
nected under a sink.
• Thedrainhoseorsinktrapisblocked.
• Programmetimeswillvaryduetowaterpressure,theincomingwatertemperatu-
re and if the wash load goes out of balance. This will increase the programme time
• Thedisplaytimeisforguidanceonly-it is not a precise time to finish and may
• Thefeethavenotbeenadjusted,enablingthemachinetorock.
• NewInstallation-EithertheTransitBoltsincludingtheplasticspacers,orthe
Polystyrene Packaging have not been removed when installing the machine.
• Themachineistrappedbetweencabinetsand/orwalls.
• Theloadisinaslightoutofbalanceconditionandmachineisspinning,but
at a lower speed.