Yourwashingmachinecouldfailtowork.BeforecontactingtheTechnicalAssistanceCentre(see “Assistance”), make sure
that the problem cannot be solved easily using the following list.
The washing machine does not
switch on.
The wash cycle does not start.
The washing machine does not
take in water (the text “NO WATER,
Turn tap on” appears on the di-
The washing machine continuously
takes in and
drains water.
The washing machine does not
drain or spin.
The washing machine vibrates a lot
during the spin cycle.
The washing machine leaks.
The machine is locked and the display
flashes, indicating an error code (e.g.
F-01, F-..).
There is too much foam.
Possible causes / Solutions:
(see “Installation”).
•Thefreeendofthehoseisunderwater(see “Installation”).
If the problem persists even after these checks, turn off the water tap, switch
the upper floors of a building, there may be problems relating to water drainage,
causing the washing machine to fill with water and drain continuously. Special
anti-draining valves are available in shops and help to avoid this inconvenience.
phase to be started manually (see “Wash cycles and functions”).
•Thedrainhoseisbent(see “Installation”).
•Thedrumwasnotunlockedcorrectlyduringinstallation(see “Installation”).
•Thewashingmachineisnotlevel(see “Installation”).
•Thewashingmachineistrappedbetweencabinetsandwalls(see “Installation”).
•Thewaterinlethoseisnotscrewedonproperly(see “Installation”).
•Thedetergentdispenserdrawerisblocked(forcleaninginstructions,see “Care
and maintenance”).
•Thedrainhoseisnotfixedproperly(see “Installation”).
switch it back on again.
“for washing machines” or “hand and machine wash”, or the like).