Solving laundering problems
Most laundering problems are easily solved if you understand the cause. Check the following
list for problems you may have and possible causes. If you need additional help, check the
“Assistance or Service” section of this book.
Brown, yellow
l Chlorine staining
l Iron in water heater or pipes
l Iron and manganese in water
Dye transfer
l Improper sorting
l Load not immediately removed from washer after end of cycle
Gray whites,
dingy colors
l Improper sorting
l Water temperature too low
l Not enough detergent
l Using soap in very hard water (use detergent if you have hard water)
Greasy looking
l Undiluted fabric softener or fabric softener poured directly on load.
DO NOT USE liquid fabrii softener in this washer.
l Not enough detergent
Load too wet
after spin
l Improper sorting
l Paper or tissue in pockets
l Pilling being mistaken for lint
l Overloading
l Not enough detergent
l Cold rinses
l Lid is opened before spinning is completed
l Fabric type (some knits stretch during manufacturing-laundering
returns fabric to original size)
l Care label directions not followed
Snags, rips, holes
l Items damaged before washing
l Misuse of chlorine bleach
l Sharp articles not removed from pockets
l Overloading
l Fasteners not fastened
Stiff, rough fabrics l Using soap in very hard water (use detergent if you have hard water)
(usually cottons)
l Not enough detergent
l Line drying
Twisting, tangling
l Overloading
l Improper loading (do not wrap large items around agitator)
l Overloading
l Load not immediatefy removed from washer after end of cycle
l Improper rinse temperature
l Cycle selection is incorrect (based on fabric type)
Yellow areas
l Water temperature too low
(from body oils) l Not enough detergent