The growing popularity of home swimming and related activities has led to an increase in the
number of swimming pools, spas, hot tubs and hydromassage bathtubs in use. Each of these
products has different UL markings and different installation requirements.
UL has developed the Swimming Pool Equipment, Spas, Fountains, and Hydromassage Bathtub
Marking Guide for inspectors, utilities, contractors, installers, users, designers, and other
interested parties to aid in understanding this equipment and the applicable codes and standards
in order to facilitate a reasonably safe and code-compliant installation. This equipment is intended
to be installed in accordance with the National Electrical Code® (NEC ®), as well as other
mechanical, fuel gas, building and plumbing codes as applicable, and their listing. These
markings are required by the applicable UL and other Standards, and are part of the listing.
UL Marking and Application Guides are updated as necessary due to new product development,
changes in the codes, or the need for clarification. To confirm the current status of any UL
Marking Guide, please consult the Code Authorities page of the UL Web Site at
Your comments or suggestions are welcome and appreciated. They should be sent to:
Regulatory Services Department
333 Pfingsten Road
Northbrook, IL 60062