Before calling for Assistance:
• Checkwhetheryoucansolvetheproblembyyourself(see“Trouble shooting”);
• Restartthewashcycletocheckwhethertheproblemhasbeensolved;
• Ifithasnot,contacttheAuthorisedTechnicalAssistanceService.
! If the Washer-dryer has been installed or used incorrectly, you will have to pay for the call-out service.
! Always request the assistance of authorised technicians.
Please have the following information to hand:
• thetypeofproblem;
• theappliancemodel(Mod.);
• theserialnumber(S/N).
The above information can be found on the data plate located on the appliance itself.
! Note: to exit “Demo mode”, switch machine off, press and hold the two “START/PAUSE” and “ON/OFF” buttons
simultaneously for 3 seconds.