TL-R4000 Enterprise Broadband Router User Guide
¾ Packets Statistic interval (5 ~ 60) - The default value is 10. Select a value
between 5 and 60 seconds in the pull-down list. The Packets Statistic interval
value indicates the time section of the packets statistic. The result of the statistic
used for analysis by SYN Flood, UDP Flood and ICMP-Flood.
¾ DoS protection - Enable or Disable the DoS protection function. Only when it is
enabled, will the flood filters be effective.
¾ Enable ICMP-FLOOD Attack Filtering - Enable or Disable the ICMP-FLOOD
Attack Filtering.
¾ ICMP-FLOOD Packets threshold: (5 ~ 3600) - The default value is 50. Enter a
value between 5 ~ 3600 packets. When the current ICMP-FLOOD Packets
numbers are beyond the set value, the router will start up the blocking function
¾ Enable UDP-FLOOD Filtering - Enable or Disable the UDP-FLOOD Filtering.
¾ UDP-FLOOD Packets threshold: (5 ~ 3600) - The default value is 50. Enter a
value between 5 ~ 3600 packets. When the current UPD-FLOOD Packets numbers
are beyond the set value, the router will start up the blocking function immediately.
¾ Enable TCP-SYN-FLOOD Attack Filtering - Enable or Disable the TCP-SYN-
FLOOD Attack Filtering.
¾ TCP-SYN-FLOOD Packets threshold: (5 ~ 3600) - The default value is 50. Enter
a value between 5 ~ 3600 packets. When the current TCP-SYN-FLOOD Packets
numbers is beyond the set value, the router will start up the blocking function
¾ Ignore Ping Packet from WAN Port - Enable or Disable ignore ping packet from
WAN port. The default is disabled. If enabled, the ping packet from the Internet
cannot access the router.
¾ Forbid Ping Packet from LAN Port - Enable or Disable forbidding Ping Packet to
access the router from the LAN port. The default value is disabled. If enabled, the
ping packet from the LAN port cannot access the router. (Defends against some
Click the Save button to save the settings.
Click the Blocked DoS Host Table button to display the DoS host table by blocking. The
page will appear that shown in Figure 4-36:
Figure 4-36 Thwarted DoS Host Table
This page shows Host IP Address and Host MAC Address for each host blocked by
the router.