A 㑻ໄᯢ( A Class product declaration)
ᴀѻકЎ A 㑻 ITEˈ݊Փ⫼䇈ᯢ,䫁⠠ㄝᰒ㨫ԡ㕂ЁᏆࣙབϟݙ
ᆍⱘໄᯢ(We declare here that the subject product is A Class ITE
product, and the following statement is clearly marked in the user
manual and nameplate ˖
ໄ ᯢ
ℸЎ A 㑻ѻકˈ⫳⌏⦃๗Ёˈ䆹ѻકৃ㛑Ӯ䗴៤᮴㒓⬉ᑆᡄDŽ䖭
This is a class A product. In a domestic environment this product may
cause radio interference in which case the user may be required to take
adequate measures.
Position of the Declaration˖
݀ৌ Company Name˖TANDBERG
ㅒᄫ/Ⲫゴ Signature/ Stamp˖