The cont rol p ane l can be cleaned by u sing a l ig htly dampen edcloth and dry tho roug hly.
The exteri or use a goo dappli an cepol ish wax.
Neverus esh arp obj ects, scouring pads o rhar sh c lea ners ona ny p ar t o ft he dis hwasher.
ProtectAgain st Freezing
1.Cut off el ectrica l pow erto the di shwasher.
2.Tur noff the water suppl yand d is connec t th ewater i nlet pi pe from the w ater val ve.
3.Drain water from t he inle tpipe a nd water valve. (Use a pan t ocatc h the wa ter)
4.Reconnect the water inlet pipe t othe wa te rvalve.
5.Removethefilterat the bottomofthe tubanduseaspongetouseupwaterin sump.
pl ease take fros tprotection meas uresond ishw ash erin win ter. E fter wash ingcycles,
pl ease op erate as follow s
ach t ime a
- Inspec t t he filte rs for blo ckin ge very t ime the dis hwa sher has bee nused.
- By uns crew ing the c oar sefi lter. you can remove thef ilter sys tem. Re move any foo drem na ntsa nd
cleanthefilters underrunningwater.
CleaningThe Filter
CleaningThe Door
To c le an th e c o a rs e fil ter a nd the fi ne fi lt e r, us e a clean i n g brus h . Reasse mbl e thef il t er par t s as sho wn in th e figu res
inth elas tpag ea ndr einse rt the e ntire ass emb lyin the dish was her, pos itioni ng inits seat an d pressin gdownward .
Theentire filterassemblyshouldbe cleaned once a week.
Whencleaning the filters, don't knock onthem. Otherwise, thefilters could b e
contorted andtheperformance ofdishwashercouldbedebased.
To cleantheedgearoundthedoor, youshoulduseonlya softwarm,
damp c loth. To avoid pe netra ti on of w ate rinto th e door lo ckan d
electrical c ompone nts, do n otu sea spra ycl eaner of any kind .
Never u sea spr ay c leaner t ocl ean t he door panel as i tm ay dam age the door loc k
and electricalcomponents.
Abr asive ag ent or s ome paper towe ls hould not be u se d because o fthe r iskof
sc r a t c hi ng o r leavin g s pot s on t he st ain les s stee l s urf a ce.
I f y ou r di sh was he r cann ot work be cau se o f the ic e, ple a se cont a ct pr ofes s ion al s er v ice per so ns.