SMC7904BRA3 User Manual
Label Description
Use the following IP
If you want to input the WAN ip address by yourself. Check this entry and
then input related data in the field.
WAN IP Address Input the IP address of the WAN interface provided by your ISP
WAN Subnet Mask Input the subnet mask concerned to the IP address of the WAN interface
provided by your ISP.
Default Gateway You can input the IP address of the default gateway by yourself, click this
entry and then input related data in the fields.
Obtain DNS server
addresses automatically
To obtain the IP address of the DNS server assigned by the uplink
equipment such as BAS.
Use the following DNS
server addresses
If you want to input the IP address of the DNS server by yourself, click this
entry and then input related data in the fields.
Primary DNS server Input the IP address of the primary DNS server here.
Secondary DNS server Input the IP address of the secondary DNS server provided by your ISP
Enable NAT Select it to enable the NAT functions of the MODEM. If you are not to
enable NAT and intend the user of the MODEM to access the Internet
normally, you must add a route on the uplink equipment; otherwise the
access to the Internet fails. Normally, it is required to enable NAT.
< Back Click < Back to return to the previous screen
Next > Click Next > to go to the next screen
If you finish the settings of this page, click Next, the screen of Fig 3.3.1-6 appears. For the settings of this
screen, see above paragraphs.
If you select 1483 Routed in Fig 3.3.1-2, the screen of Fig 3.3.1-9 appears as shown next.
Fig 3.3.1-9
The following table describes the fields of this screen.
Label Description
None -
Obtain an IP address
The dynamic IP is not fixed; your ISP assigns you the different one each