Samsung recommends a standpipe height of 18 in (46 cm). The drain hose must be routed
through the drain hose clip to the standpipe. The standpipe must be large enough to accept the
outside diameter of the drain hose. The drain hose is attached at the factory.
For best performance, your washing machine must be installed on a solidly constructed floor.
Wood floors may need to be reinforced to minimize vibration and/or unbalanced loads. Carpeting
and soft tile surfaces are contributing factors to vibrations and the tendency for your washing
machine to move slightly during the spin cycle.
Never install your washing machine on a platform or poorly supported structure.
Surrounding temperature
Do not install your washing machine in areas where water may freeze, since your washing
machine always retains some water in its water valve, pump, and hose areas. Frozen water in
the lines can cause damage to belts, the pump, and other components. You should always use
your washing machine when the surrounding temperature is at least 41°F(5°C).
Alcove or closet installation
To operate safely and properly, your new washing machine requires minimum clearances of:
Sides – 25 mm (1 in) Rear – 51 mm (2 in)
Top – 25 mm (1 in) Front – 465 sq.cm (72 sq.in.)
If both the washing machine and a dryer are installed together, the front of the alcove or closet
must have at least 72 sq. in. (465 sq. cm) unobstructed air opening. Your washing machine
alone does not require a specific air opening.
Selecting a location
Before you install the washing machine, make sure the location:
• Has a hard, level surface without carpeting or flooring that may obstruct ventilation
• Is away from direct sunlight
• Has adequate ventilation
• Will not be freezing (below 32 ˚F or 0 ˚C)
• Is away from heat sources such as oil or gas
• Has enough space so that the washing machine doesn’t stand on its power cord