washing a load of laundry _21
02 Washing a load of laundry
washing a load of laundry
With your new Samsung washing machine, the hardest part of doing laundry will be
deciding which load to wash first.
Before washing laundry for the first time, you must run a complete empty cycle (i.e. no laundry).
1. Press the Power
2. Add a little detergent to the detergent compartment in
the detergent drawer.
3. Turn on the water supply to the washing machine.
4. Pressthetemperaturebuttionrepeatlytoselect40˚C.
5. Press the Start/Pause button.
This will remove any water that might be left over in the
machine from the manufacturer’s test run.
: Detergent for prewash, or starch.
: Detergent for the main wash, water softener, pre-soaking agent, bleach and
stain removal product.
To use liquid detergent, use the liquid detergent box (refer to page 31 of the manual for the
corresponding model). Do not add powdered detergent into the liquid detergent box.
: Additives, e.g. fabric softener or former (fill no higher than lower edge (MAX)
of “A”)
1. Load your laundry into the washing machine.
Do not overload the washing machine. To determine the load capacity for each type of
laundry, refer to the chart on page 30.
• Makesurethatlaundryisnotcaughtinthedoor,asthismaycauseawaterleak.
• Washingdetergentmayremaininthefrontrubberpartofthewasherafterawashcycle.
Remove any remaining detergent, as they may cause a water leak.
• Donottouchthedoorglasswhileyourwashingmachineisrunningoritmaybehot.
• Donotopenthedetergentdrawerorthedebrislterwhileyourwashingmachineis
running or you might be exposed to hot water or steam.
• Donotwashwater-proofeditemsinnormalcycleexceptoutdoorcareprogram.
2. Close the door until it latches.
3. Turn the power on.
4. Add detergent and additives to the dispenser drawer.
5. Select the appropriate cycle and options for the load.
The Wash Indicator light will illuminate and the estimated cycle time will appear in the display.
6. Press the Start/Pause
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