Cable with a Cable box that Descrambles All Channels
Find the cable that is
connected to the ANTEN-
NA OUT terminal on your
cable box. This terminal
might be labeled “ANT
OUT”, “VHF OUT”, or sim-
ply, “OUT”.
Connect the other end of
this cable to the ANT A or
ANT B terminal on the
rear of the TV.
This terminal might be labeled
“ANT IN,” “VHF IN,” or simply,
Connecting to a Cable Box that Descrambles Some Channels
If your cable box descrambles only some channels (such as premium channels), follow the
instructions below. You will need a two-way splitter, an RF (A/B) switch, and four lengths of
coaxial cable. (These items are available at most electronics stores.)
Find and disconnect the
cable that is connected to
the ANTENNA IN termi-
nal on your cable box.
Connect this cable to a
two-way splitter.
Connect a coaxial cable
between an OUTPUT
terminal on the splitter and
the IN terminal on the
cable box.